Ingredients for 2p:

  • 6 thin slices of swordfish
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 cucumber
  • pink pepper to taste
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1/2 half lemon
  • mint leaves

Before eating raw fish, you need to make it safe by deep freezing it. This will kill any traces of Anisakis, a harmful parasite which is commonly found in fish flesh.

Start the LIFE pre-cooling cycle. Then select the Freezing > Fish> Fillets> Product and set it at room temperature, then place the Swordfish slices on the grill, gently covered with foil.

After a few tens of minutes, the fish will be perfectly defrosted, without any oxidation or discolouration. To complete making the fish safe from Anisakis, keep the slices in the freezer for at least 24 hours. We recommend you place the fish in a freezer bag.

A few hours before serving the Swordfish, take it out of the blast chiller and place it on a grill or oven tray. Insert the product again and start defrosting the fish. Blast Chilling isn’t the same as freezing, it’s a new technology that keeps the organoleptic properties of the food unchanged. Texture, flavour, fragrance and nutrients will be the same of fresh food but it will be safer as all the dangerous bacteria will be eliminated.

Arrange the Swordfish on a serving tray and topping it with a Julienne of thinly sliced carrots and cucumber.

In a bowl prepare the dressing by mixing extra virgin olive oil, fresh lemon juice, chopped mint leaves, salt and pink pepper.

Pour the dressing homogeneously on the Swordfish and enjoy it.




  • 500 g sausage
  • 1 litre tomato sauce
  • 1/2 cup red wine
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 celery
  • 1/2 onion
  • some bay leaves
  • salt and pepper to taste


On a board, thinly chop the carrots with celery and onion and sauté the mixing with a little bit of olive oil in a preheated saucepan.
Break up and add the sausage and the bay leaves and the pour half glass of red wine into the saucepan.
Now add the tomato sauce, cover the saucepan and continue cooking over low heat for 45 minutes.

A few minutes before the end of cooking time, start the pre-cooling function on your LIFE blast chiller.
Once the sauce is ready, divide it into single-serving moulds, place them in your blast chiller and start the deep freezing process. Depending on the size of the moulds, choose the Core Probe or Timer function – Soups and Sauces – Sauce.

After the deep freezing step, remove the medallions you have created from their moulds and store them in freezer bags or airtight containers, which should be clearly labelled with the date of production and the type of sauce used.





  • 570 g water
  • 470 g flour 00 (180 – 260 W)
  • 320 g whole wheat flour
  • 30 g honey
  • 4 g malt
  • 10 g active dry yeast
  • 18 g salt
  • 70 g mixed seeds

To make some excellent bread, you need to let it rise twice. This allows for a complete conversion of the sugars, which produce carbon dioxide and make bread lighter and easier to digest.


Mix the ingredients and knead the dough, being careful not to put the salt into direct contact with the yeast. Once the dough is ready, place it into a bowl and place it in your LIFE blast chiller.
Set the first proving process for one hour at 22°C.

After the first proving phase, you can shape your dough into loaves of the desired size and shape, or place it in a tin. At this point, you can start the second proving process at a temperature of 28°C for one hour.

If you have divided your dough into several loaves, some of these may be baked immediately after the second hour of proving, and the remaining ones may be deep frozen for later baking. Your deep frozen dough can be popped directly into the over whenever you like.

Before baking, brush the dough with a little water and sprinkle your choice of seeds over the top.
Bake at 180°C until golden brown.



2 apples
1 orange
1 red orange
1 lemon
1 lime
250 g blackberries
250 g raspberries
Have you ever thought of eating fruit at -40°C? With LIFE blast chillers, you can!
Use this “cool” idea to impress your guests and get your kids to eat fruit!


Wash the fruit thoroughly and cut the apples, oranges, lemon and lime into thin slices.
Cover the racks of your LIFE blast chiller with a sheet of baking paper and arrange the sliced fruit, raspberries and blackberries neatly. Be careful not to overlap the pieces to prevent them from sticking together.

Put everything into LIFE blast chiller and start the deep freezing process > Timer > Fruit > Slices > set the load depending on the amount of product > Start. LIFE will soon bring the temperature down to -40°C and deep freeze the fruit.

At the end of the deep freezing process, you can immediately enjoy your fruit sorbet:
with the micro-crystallization of water, fruit becomes chewable! This very low temperature and the taste of fruit will create a pleasant sensation that will wow your guests and kids!




200 g of Venere black rice
2 zucchini
2 carrots
1 yellow pepper
1 red pepper
extra virgin olive oil


Boil a pot of water, add salt and cook the black rice for the time indicated in the package.
Meanwhile, wash the zucchini and peppers, cut into cubes and season it all in a bowl with olive oil, a pinch of salt and a handful of dried oregano.

When 10 minutes are left from the end of the cooking of the rice pre-cool LIFE, the domestic blast chiller.
When cooked, drain the rice and pour it into a steel bowl, then start the blast chilling cycle.
Arrange the vegetables on a baking dish and cook it in the oven at 200 ° C for 15 minutes.
After cooking blast chill the vegetables with LIFE to keep crunchiness and nutrients.

When rice and vegetables will be blast chilled put all together in a bowl and mix so the sauce is evenly distributed. Kept in the fridge and serve the Venere black rice salad with a drizzle of raw oil.

If you want to have rice available for a long time split into individual portions and blast freeze it with the blast chiller. In a few minutes it will be thawed and ready to be served!




650 g manitoba flour
250 g whole milk
100 g sugar
100 g room temperature butter
10 g brewer’s yeast or 50 g sourdough
4 eggs
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
pinch of salt
For garnish

1 egg yolk
caster sugar
50 g whole milk

To celebrate the Spring’s arrival we propose you the Chick’s brioche bread, a preparation that, thanks to blast chiller LIFE, will be easy and fast. The function levitation helps you to save time, ensuring the correct development of yeastes.

Heat the milk foe few minutes until 37° C, add the yeast and the milk and mix until the dissolution.

Pour all in a bowl. Be careful that there aren’t lumps, add slowly sifted flour, eggs, butter, vanilla extract and a pinch of salt. Knead up to get a soft dough.

Spread the dough with a rolling pin until you have a thin sheet, long and narrow shape.

Pleat on itself as a fabric forming different layers.

Divide the mass obtained in two parts: the larger one will become the Chick’s body while the smallest will be the head; keep aside some scraps of dough to form the legs, the wing and beak.

Place the dough on the blast chiller LIFE’s baking sheet covered with baking paper, remembering to leave 2 cm of space between the head and the body of the chick.

Sets the leavening : LEVITATION ˃ IMMEDIATE at the temperature of 28° C for 2 hours and 30 minutes and START.

If you want to find the dough perfectly risen up to 24 hours distance sets the same parameters as the temperature and decide the cooking time.

At the end of levitation LIFE brush the Chick’s brioche bread with egg yolk, milk and sugar and bake for 15 minutes at 175° C.


  • 500 g flour (with a high W)
  • 300 g of water
  • 15 g of salt
  • 4 g yeast
  • 3 spoons of virgin olive oil
  • 100 g of tomato sauce
  • 2 mozzarelle each from 125 g
  • 8 fresh basil leaves
  • oregano
  • salt
  • sugar


Pizza, the most known Italian dish, was nominated to become World Heritage site, could not miss in our recipe.
Thanks to blast chiller home’s Levitation function, you can get an excellent result every day of the year, regardless of humidity and weather choose the temperature and duration of leavening like the pros.


In a bowl or in the planetary, pour water with salt and mix as long as the salt will melt. Then pour the flour and knead for few minutes, mix the yeast and olive oil.

Knead for 10 minutes.

The dough should be soft and moist, but should not stick to hands. Create a ball and begin the levitation. Start the program LEVITATION˃ IMMEDIATE, set the temperature at 28° C for 1 hour and START LIFE.

Meanwhile prepare the sauce: heat tomato sauce with a pinch of salt and cut mozzarella.

Preheat the oven at 225° C and, after the rising, season pizza with tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil and olive oil. Cook in the oven for 15/20 minutes at 225° C.

The pizza is well risen and they formed the cavities within the dough because, thanks to LIFE’s LEVITATION function, the rise was successful.
Enjoy your meal!!!


  • 1 lt pasteurized whole milk
  • 100 ml yogurt
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Cereals


Blast chiller LIFE allows you to make easily yogurt at home . A nutritious and light food that improves our well being and also for those who suffering from slight lactose intolerance.

You can choose the best milk, decide whether to use sugar and add your favourite fruit: you’ll always have ready a breakfast and a healthy snack.



Pour the milk in the pan GN1/2 or in a large container size, add the yogurt and mix for a minute.

Insert the pan in LIFE, connect the probe to the heart and put into the milk.

Select the function YOGURT˃ AUTOMATIC and start the program.

We suggest you to let it work overnight so by having it off during the day to do other preparations.

When yogurt will be ready it will be torn down at + 3° C; you can find fresh and ready to be eaten.

At the end of the cycle, fill the glasses with yogurt and add cereals, raspberries and blueberries.

Yogurt makes with LIFE keeps in the fridge for 10 days.

A part of yogurt can be kept aside and used as a starter for the next preparation.


  • 400 gr dark chocolate 60%
  • 20 gr chopped hazelnuts
  • 20 gr chopped pistachios

With blast chiller LIFE you can get delicious chocolates worthy of the best pastry chefs, from the comfort of your own home! The crystallization of chocolate done very quickly at the correct temperature will make the chocolate shiny and crunchy. A cooling temperature too low would affect the result matting the outer surface and making unpleasant spots emerge of cocoa butter.


Finely chop the chocolate and melt 280 gr over low heat until the temperature 49°/ 50° C. When the chocolate has melted completely, pour it into a bowl, add others 120 gr and stir constantly until the temperature 28°/29° C.

This heating and cooling operation is called tempering and needs to melt the cocoa butter molecules.

Before to strain the temperate chocolate, support the mold on a blast chiller’s grid, put it on a baking sheet to collect the excess chocolate.

Wipe the mold cavity with chopped hazelnuts and pistachios.

Fill the mold and, helping you with a flat spatula, deploy the chocolate.

Insert the mold into LIFE with function CHOCOLATE at 12° for 20 minutes

Cycle finished the chocolate will be crystallized; flip the mold and detaches the chocolates…it’s time to impress guests!

Good tasting!



  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 100 g butter
  • 80 g sugar
  • 10 g unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 10 g flour
  • 2 eggs
  • Icing sugar

With home blast chiller LIFE you can enjoy an extraordinary chocolate cupcake in just 18 minutes! Thanks to micro crystallization, obtained by deep freezing – 40° C, the mixture will go from freezer to oven with a chef’s result!


Cool before blast chiller LIFE ay – 10° C

Dissolve in water bath the chocolate, add butter and sugar and mix.
Break down the mixture using the probe to the heart: ABATEMENT˃ CAKES

At the end of abatement remove the baking sheet and cool it down at – 15° C.

Embed the eggs beating with a whisk, add cocoa powder and flour.
When the mixture appears homogeneous, fill individual molds previously buttered and floured.


At the end put the chocolate cupcakes in the freezer.
When needed, cook them in the oven for 18 minutes at 200°C. Remove them from the molds gently, taking care not to break and dusting with icing sugar.

To prepare more cupcakes, we suggest you double or triple doses.
Thanks to blast chiller LIFE you save time and get a stunning result!